There’s an old saying, “you’re a better door than a window.” In the case of the Clay Coyote Emerging Artist Studio we’ve had doors from the original 1929 pole barn that we’ve been using as windows for the past two decades. All that changed last week when we added walls, energy efficient windows, and new red tin siding to the Studio!
Here’s a before, during, and after photo (sorta). Come out to the Clay Coyote any day of the week for a tour (directions). More pictures and an update on the inside remodel next week.
If you’re interested in learning more about joining our Emerging Artist Studio program please contact [email protected] or call 320-587-2599.
What’s included:
- Unlimited clay, glaze, & firing
- Wheels, tools, stamps, slabs included
- Three electric and one gas reduction kiln w/ advancers
- Private & collaborative space
- Ample greenware, bisque, and post production storage
- Access to glaze recipes & 70+ chemicals
- Extruder, slab roller
- Art show trailer w/ booth, register, tents, & boxes
- Retail space w/ dedicated marketing & sales team
- Online sales platform and website support
For more information download our 1-page flyer (PDF) or 2-page information packet (PDF).