Back to school is right around the corner and that brings a lot of fun things people have been waiting all year for: the first sign of fall with colder
When Art and Family Collide
The Clay Coyote has a feeling of home as soon as you walk in the door. I had the privilege in 2015 of feeling that sense of home for the
Solar Eclipse Viewing Event
This biggest event of the year, or should I say in the last 38 years, is the total solar eclipse coming up on Monday, August 21. Looking for a place
Letter from Representative Dean Urdahl
A few days ago we received a letter from our State Representative Dean Urdahl for our success at pitching the flameware grill basket to the MN Super Bowl Host Committee.
New Year, New Potters
The 6th Annual Minnesota Pottery Festival is proud to announce a total of 35 potters from around the United States coming to the event to showcase their work. Of those