Watch the full video: Recipe: Chop about a 1/2 cup of basil and 1/4 cup of walnuts, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and set aside. Peel and slice 3-4
Cooking with WCCO: Summer Stir Fry in a Grill Basket (Recipe included)
Watch Morgan cook an easy summer stir fry on Channel-4 WCCO, our local CBS station. Stay tuned to save the date for the next MN Pottery Festival in July 2022.
Cooking with Coyotes: Grilled Stirfry
Summer Stir Fry Process: Chop Vegetables. We’re using: bok choy, peppers, asparagus, broccoli, onion, mushroom, and carrots. Basically any vegetables you have. The secret to have them cook up evenly