As the New Year quickly approaches, we thought we’d get a head start on our list of resolutions here at the Coyote. Here’s our list we’d like to share with
Rocky’s Baked Beans
Rocky’s baked beans have become my favorite by far. Simply done by doctoring Bush’s Original beans in the Coyote Dutch oven or your favorite casserole. Make extra to freeze.
Dutch Oven Beef Stew
I use my Dutch Oven every week, and this week I challenged myself to make a stew. Doesn’t really sound like a challenge? Well, it was for me. When I
Soupe au Pistou aka Summer in a Pot
One of my favorite things about Winter is warming my kitchen by making soups and stews in my Dutch Oven. I almost forgot about the Polar Vortex while I
How To Cook With Ceramic Flameware Stovetop Cookware
Cooking in clay pots results in better tasting food. But traditionally, stoneware pots could only be used in the oven. When Paula Wolfert started working on her book “Mediterranean Clay