Have you heard of Enchroma glasses? If you don’t know them by name, you’ve probably seen a video of a person trying on a pair and being brought to tears.
Cooking with the Coyotes: Stir Fry Pita
Chef Morgan surprised me with lunch today. Today she featured her “at-home-hack” for Bakers Square’s stir fry pita. It’s a simple recipe that is easy to scale for however many
New Art in the Gallery: PoCo Paper
If you come out to the gallery in the next two weeks, in addition to the special exhibit we have running in conjecture with Claytopia, you’ll also notice a few
Bread in a Chicken Baker?
You read that right. Bread can be made in a Clay Coyote Chicken Baker. Well, monkey bread, that is. Morgan did a little experiment this morning to see if there
Handmade Jewelry for Everyone
I’m not somebody who wears a lot of jewelry. In fact, I own exactly two pieces of jewelry: a watch and a money clip. I have both with me almost