Who loves leftovers after Thanksgiving? ME! Here’s an easy recipe to put your turkey to great, tasty use! We made it in a Clay Coyote Flameware Saucepan. Ruth Wirt’s Turkey
What We’re Thankful For This Year
It’s that time of year where we like to look back on the year and highlight the many things we are thankful for here at the Clay Coyote. It’s been
Savory Pie Recipe
Try a savory pie in our new Savory Pie Dishes! Start with a roux (butter, garlic, flour), add milk and chicken broth, simmer until thick. Then add in cooked chicken,
Small Business Saturday
Join us after Thanksgiving for our Friends and Family Weekend and celebrate Small Business Saturday! We’ll have cooking demonstrations, ornament making for $10 ($5 goes to American Cancer Society), and
LII Commemorative Grill Baskets Are Here!
Get ‘um while they’re hot! Special LII Clay Coyote Flameware Grill Baskets. These custom grill baskets are perfect for the ultimate tailgating experience. Designed to go over a gas, charcoal,