This is a big deal, the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, or NCECA, 53rd annual conference, “Claytopia,” will take place March 27 through March 30 at the
Caffeine Awareness Month
I have a confession to make. I love coffee. Dark roast, light roast, Americanos, double espresso shots, pour-overs, french press, good old drip coffee . . . I love it
New Art in the Gallery: PoCo Paper
If you come out to the gallery in the next two weeks, in addition to the special exhibit we have running in conjecture with Claytopia, you’ll also notice a few
2019 Ice Out Challenge
Behind the Clay Coyote sits beautiful (currently frozen) Todd Lake. Each year, we track when the lake opens up and all the ice disappears. This year we want to invite
Claytopia in the Gallery March 14-31st
Starting Thursday, March 14th, 2019 we are featuring a special all ceramic exhibit in the Clay Coyote Gallery. The Exhibit will run March 14 through the 31st in conjunction with