So, here we are, all shiny and cute…well maybe the guy isn’t so cute. Ann’s on the top right, with Katy below her. They’ll be the mainstays in the Gallery
A Fascinating Visit
Today we had a fascinating visit. Dennis Berquist of the local Ridgewater College brings groups in from various countries to study, in this case, various dairy practices among Minnesota
The Clay Coyote Gallery Summer Picnic
IT WAS A FABULOUS WEEKEND!!! 70 Deg, A little breeze and Throngs of people! Thank you all for stopping out! We estimate that some 700 or 800 people stopped
Summer at the Gallery Picnic
In The Good Old Summertime… We’d like to Say “Thank You”! So You and your friends are invited to a GOOD, OLD FASHIONED PICNIC (AND ART FAIR) IN THE COUNTRY….
Art Show Reflections
Bob Carls, Woodturner, Aitken MN…couldn’t resist. THE ART SHOW … … an insider’s viewMany artists and craftspeople make a good portion, or all, of their living from sales of