Or, Here Come the Post Toasties!
Every year, harvest marks the end of the se
ason, and the nearing beginning of winter. This year Dan Piehl didn’t get the corn out until December…a full month later than normal. And the next day we had snow showers and freezing temps.
The other event that marks the winter is the geese heading south, honking loudly in their huge v’s. There’s an alone-ness they leave us with.
We’ve noticed that being out here close to the land, even though we don’t farm, the natural rhythm of the year is marked by events on the land…spring thaw and ice-out, first greenings, birds returning, planting, the rains, heat, watching which crops mature and when as the summer goes by, which crops do well, which don’t, the arrival of cold weather, and finally the freezing of the lake and first snow falls. Rhythms determined by nature, not man-made events and holidays.