We’ve had geese on the pond ever since the ponds were put in by Fish & Wildlife as part of the Wildlife Refuge Program, funded by Ducks Unlimited. Normally geese pick out a site as first yearlings, defend it for a year, and then come back the next year to nest. The year we seem to have 2 pair, one on the north pond, one on the south. On May 20th, a pair seemed to be nesting on the dike between the ponds.
Then on May 23rd we spotted the first goslings….first in the water then on the dike.
Then today, June 3rd, what should appear but a full bore goose parade. Once the goslings are born, the adults lose their flight feathers and are earthbound. Guess like all parents they might sometimes like to get away, but nature won’t allow it. Now the danger starts. Snapping turtles, fox and coyote, raccoons, hawks and eagles….all looking for these tasty morsels. We count every time we see them to see how they’re doing.
Note how much these little beggars have grown just in a couple of weeks. Soon they’ll start to molt into their juvenile plummage. The parents have to walk them everywhere. From the ponds to the main lake a thousand feet away. Those little feet get a lot of exercise.