By April 6th he was frozen in the ice for a day. We think the female had already gone on the nest by this time and we feared for the eggs in the cold.But it all worked out and by the 8th he was free and the weather was warming a bit….after 2 snow storms. Welcome to Minnesota!
By the end of April our neighborhood pheasant and his lady friend(s) were at the feeder that neighbor Jerry Notch built and maintains behind the gallery. Everyday at 5:30 out he comes. As I write this, we’re pretty sure the hens are on the nest (21 days). Thanks to Jerry and some mild winters, we’ve got pheasants everywhere.
Then a couple of weeks ago, Betsy looked out the Gallery window and what should appear but our first wild turkey (besides Tom, that is)!
Our worries about the geese turned out unfounded as their clutch of 6 showed up last week May 4th. Proud parents as the Orioles, swallows, finches and other birds all showed up a couple of weeks early. Suddenly there’s lots of action everywhere competing for nests, food and mates.
So in less than a month we went from this: to this!
So pretty soon we’ll bring you news of some new glazes Betsy’s working on, meet the folks who work at the Gallery and Studio, a couple of philosophical pieces (for what it’s worth) and more. Thanks for your patience.