I look forward to my first farmer’s market trip every year. I grab my market backpack, 20 $1 bills(farmers appreciate small bills), and I hop on my bike. I like to peruse at all the different stands, and then make my purchases. Radishes, green onion, and a new purple green(I keep forgetting the name) from Amy and Andy’s Rebel Soil were my first picks of the year. I biked them home, washed ’em, and then decided how to prepare them. I learned my lesson from the fish tagine disaster…
Here is my Felafel with farmer’s market June veggies:
Bunch of radishes, sliced
Greens (Whatever you have local and in season)
Green onion (about 1 cup)
2 cups chickpeas
Lemon juice (1/2 lemon)
Tahini (tablespoon)
Olive oil (glug glug)
Siracha (one squirt)
Garlic (2 cloves)
So, you blend the chick peas, za’atar, and green onions in a processor to make the felafel patties. You want them to be a little chunky. Then you can form the mixture into golf ball sized pieces. (Once they cook a bit, you can flatten them in your pan.) Oil your pan and cook at medium heat about 15 minutes, then flip. Mine were prepared in a Clay Coyote cazuela.
Blend the oil, lemon juice, tahini, siracha, and garlic for the sauce. Spread sauce on a pita, add a few patties, and top with fresh veggies. Easy, light, and very tasty!!!