On Thursday, May 5, Pioneer PBS aired the final episode of Postcards season 13, featuring the Clay Coyote Pottery. The episode is available at Postcards Online and Postcard’s YouTube Channel.
2021 Holiday Hours
Is it a Microwave Omelette Cooker? Or a Mini-Bundt Baker?
These little dishes are so much fun. They were originally designed as microwave omelette cookers. Super easy, whisk up an egg (or two), add in some seasonings, cheese, diced veggies; then
Cooking with WCCO: Watch Morgan Bake No-Knead Bread on CBS / Channel 4
Looking for a fun, easy baking project? No-Knead Bread is easy! Watch Clay Coyote’s CEO, Morgan Baum, cooking live on channel 4, WCCO-CBS. Learn more, get the recipe, tips, and
Clay Coyote No-Knead Bread Baking Recipes, Variations, and Techniques
We’ve been making No-Knead Bread Bakers at the Clay Coyote for more than a decade. I looked back, the first mention was back in 2010. The thing about this technique