A few days ago we received a letter from our State Representative Dean Urdahl for our success at pitching the flameware grill basket to the MN Super Bowl Host Committee.
Guess What, It’s Garlic Month!
It’s finally August folks, and that means all things garlic in Hutchinson. There are a lot of events going on this month, so I’m here to give you some insight
Goin’ to the Lake!
As many Minnesotans might know, during the summer months news station WCCO out of the Twin Cities does a 2-day segment called “Goin’ to the Lake” where they visit a
Amazing Benefits of Clay Cookware
It’s not everyday you think about what goes into your cookware. No, I don’t mean what food goes into it that you’re cooking, I mean the materials used to actually
New Year, New Potters
The 6th Annual Minnesota Pottery Festival is proud to announce a total of 35 potters from around the United States coming to the event to showcase their work. Of those