Fall 2010 in Hutchinson, MN at the Clay Coyote Pottery has been spectacular.
2010 Lake Todd (MN) Ice Out March 30
As Those Who Have Followed the blog, Ice Out is Always a big deal for us. It means, kind of, that you’ve made it through the winter. It means things
The Annual Cassoulet Bash
In Minnesota, winters can be, well, uncomfortable. we get together with 3 other couples each year and comfort ourselves with cassoulet.
2009 Minnesota Christmas Storm
There’s Got to Be A Morning After! It’s been awhile since we’ve had a really good storm. This one did it! 3 inches, 5 inches, 6 inches and 2 inches.
Measuring the Seasons by the Land
Every year, harvest marks the end of the season, and the nearing beginning of winter. We’ve noticed that being out here close to the land, even though we don’t farm, the natural rhythm of the year is marked by events on the land.