Thirty years ago, the Clay Coyote was started in a basement in New Lenox, Illinois in 1992. At that time, Tom was making pots for fun and the basement was
My love of the Mini Savory Pie
Hello, I’m Nic and I’ve been with Clay Coyote since this summer. As an introduction I thought I would start in the same spot I like to point people to
Egg Strata in a Cazuela
I share this recipe verbally almost daily at the Gallery. It’s from Smitten Kitchen, via my mother-in-law, and modified with local ingredients. I used our Clay Coyote Flameware Cazuela so
Our Commitment to the Environment
We take our commitment to the environment very seriously at the Clay Coyote, and we’re always looking for ways to improve and be more environmentally thoughtful. When you order from
Small Business Saturday: Shop The Block Downtown Hutchinson
In 2010 Small Business Saturday was founded to encourage holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local. Since then it has grown to be a