It was back in 2021 when Sylvie first reached out to us. Her memoir, Cassoulet Confessions: Food, France, Family and the Stew That Saved My Soul was going to be
If You Make it They Will Yum – Culinary Retreat
“Are you curious about what you would eat for dinner in Palestine? Ever wondered what breakfast is like in Madagascar? Or lunch in Brazil? This retreat will satisfy your curiosity
FAQ: Do you offer pottery classes for different levels?
Do you offer pottery classes for different levels? This is one of the most common questions we get. Throughout the year we do have opportunities to get your hands dirty (MN
Small Business Saturday: Shop The Block Downtown Hutchinson
In 2010 Small Business Saturday was founded to encourage holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local. Since then it has grown to be a
Holiday Cooking Showcase Events – Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!
Join the Clay Coyote & Compass Occasions teams at Art’s Place in Hutchinson, MN for two Holiday Cooking Showcase Events, Festive Appetizers and Winter Stews! Both events will feature tasting