Three weeks ago Morgan (Betsy’s daughter) took this picture. April 26th.
Ten days later, May 6th, The colorful birds, who usually arrive about mid-May started showing up. Cardinal pair at the feeder, (not bare trees behind them)
And a bunch of gold finches and several Baltimore Orioles
And the lst few years we haven’t had any Yellow-headed blackbirds….but this year, a whole bunch. Note that by their arrival, the crabapple was getting leaves.
And the geese were on their nests by May 10th.
Bluejays are here all year, but note that the crabapple has now got blooms…3 weeks from teh last snowfall. Everything’s happen at the same time this year…leaves, blooms, tulips, lilacs, fruit trees blossoming. Nature wants the year back from the winter trolls!
And just this morning, I saw the first goslings swimming in the pond! Picture shortly.